Zeitrelais MT-W-...

Technische Daten

Output circuit - contact data

Number and type of contacts


Contact material


Max. switching voltage                         AC

440 V

Max. switching voltage                         DC

300 V

Rated load                                          AC1

10 A / 250 V AC

Input circuit

Rated voltage  AC: 50/60 Hz AC/DC

12…240 V


Insulation rated voltage

250 V A

Rated surge voltage

2 500 V 1,2 / 50 µs 

Dielectric strenght: 

- input- ouptut

- contact clearance

2 500 V AC

1 000 V AC

General data

Ambient temperature operating

-20...+50 oC

Time module data


Es, E, E(S), E(r), R, Wu, Wu(S), Wu(r), Ws, Wa, 

B, Wi, ER, EWs, EWa, EWu, WsWa, EWf,Wt,

Pi, Pi(S), Pp, Pp(S), Est, Esp, ON, OFF

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